Description of Issue

This occurs when the machine measures differently in the length (or X) direction in seemingly similar situations.  For example, you measure two similar colored and conditioned boards and the machine comes up with widely varying lengths.

Possible Causes

Cause can be: board defects, rolled up belt, low head pressure, damaged or missing o-ring on the board tracking sensor, dust in the board tracking sensor, improperly set/loose sliding plate, missing damper spring under the board tracking sensor, bent roller on sandpaper belt tray, incorrectly adjusted outfeed trays (adjusted too high or too low), or a broken X-drive gear (you can hear a cyclic “chirp” when a tooth is missing or damaged as the board moves in and out).

Troubleshooting Steps

  1. In the case where the board is measuring off in a consistent and predictable way it is recommended that the user calibration routine be run on the machine so the internal offsets can be adjusted.
  2. Check the board for defects and make sure it is inserted correctly into the machine.  For a detailed discussion on the board requirements please see the “Inserting a Board” section in the CarveWright Owner’s manual.  Place your test board on a flat surface (for example, a bench or the floor).  Scan the edges next to the floor making sure the board touches the floor all around.  Press down on the 4 corners of the board to make sure the board does not ‘pop up’ on the opposite corners. Press down in the center, making sure the board does not bow.
  3. Check that the sliding plate is tight and up against the board.  A board that is not captured by the sliding plate will allow the board to walk slightly from side to side.  This small amount of walking can lead to a wide variance in measured lengths.
  4. Verify that the board tracking is rotating freely.
  5. Verify that the damper spring is still under the board tracking sensor.
  6. Verify that the head pressure is within correct limits.
  7. Verify that neither of the belts are damaged or rolled up.
  8. Check to see that the outfeed rollers are not adjusted too high.  If they are high they can lift the board off of the board tracking roller during operation and cause it to lose track of the position.
  9. Check to see that the outfeed rollers are not adjusted too low or that the workpiece is supported well when it comes out of the machine. If the rollers are too low and the workpiece is long and/or heavy then it could lift off the Board tracking Sensor early and cause a faulty measurement.  For long boards (over 36”) or for heavy boards make sure that they are supported by additional outfeed rollers.
  10. Check to see if the user has recently changed the sandpaper/rubber belts.  If so they may have bent the metal roller during installation.  If the belt is removed it is very easy to see if the roller is bent.
  11. If belts have been upgraded to rubber belts, double check that the spacer washers under the squaring plate and the split washers on the tracking sensor are properly in place.  ( See installation Video )
  12. Check for dust in the board tracking sensor.

Additional Tests to Help Pinpoint the Problem 


  1. Run the project on a different board and see if the problem is repeatable.
  2. Measure several boards with the machine and compare to dimensions found using a tape measure.
  3. Place masking tape on the bottom edge nearest the keypad and run a measure board routine.  If you cannot see the indentations all the way along the tape then there is something wrong with the workpiece that is keeping the tracking roller from engaging.
  4. Remove the o-ring on the Board Tracking Sensor and re-run the project.
  5. If none of the above steps solves the issue consult with CarveWright Service.