The Smart Spline tool allows you to quickly define a shape by placing points, or vertexes, along a path, while on-the-fly designating the segments between as either lines or curves.
Category: Drawing Suite
Designer – Drawing Suite – Trim Tool
The trim tool allow you to trim paths between selected vector geometry.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Offset Path
Offset Path allows you to create a path offset at a specific distance from any vector geometry.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Copy Array
Copy Array allows you to create multiple copies of an item in both the horizontal and vertical directions.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Tracing Image
The tracing image tool, available in the Drawing Suite, allows you to import and image onto the board in Designer to be used for tracing.

CarveWright Tips & Tricks – Making a Weave Pattern
This video, by CarveWright user Steve Nelson, demonstrates how to make a weave pattern using Designer 3 with the Modeling suite and the Drawing Suite.
CarveWright Software Tutorials – Modeling a Pattern 1
This video explores how the Vector Drawing Suite and 3D Pattern Modeling Suite work together to model patterns. This tutorial demonstrates the Sweep, Revolve, and Puffing tools from the 3D suite and the Smart Spline, Offset Path, and Copy Offset tools from the Vector suite