Category: Designer 2
TIPS & TRICKS – Modeling Vines with Vectors
Did you know you can make carving patterns with just the BASIC software tools? This is a quick and easy demonstration of making vines by drawing lines and using the Depth Profile and Make Pattern tools. Watch the video and follow along to learn more about these great tools everyone has! Then use these vines […]
Error 126
“The flash operation failed with error code 126” This error message occurs when trying to upload a project to the memory card with Designer versions 3.106 or lower. When you hit OK and try to upload to the memory card you will get a Flash Error. “Error writing to flash device Flash is damaged or cannot be […]
Pocket Cutting Techniques
This two part video series demonstrates different pocket cutting techniques using vector tool paths in the Project Designer software
Tutorial 6.2 – Large Tiled Sign
Enlarging a design to carve as multiple pieces. Sometimes referred to as the “Tiling Technique”
Tutorial 6.1 – English Pub Sign
Culmination of software basics. Using what we’ve learned to make a detailed design.
Tutorial 5.3 – Invert, Appliques and Two Sided Carvings
Short explainer tutorials on how to use the invert tool, create appliques (carving a cutout), and setting up 2 sided carvings.
Tutorial 5.2 – Domes and Merging
Tutorials explaining the use of the Select Surface Tool and the Merge Styles. Other resources for learning more on these topics. Chapter 3 of Learning Guide – Dynamic Surfacing Group & Merge Features in Designer
Tutorial 5.1 – Carving Through A Board
Creating a “carve through” project for piercing all the way through a board.
Tutorial 4.3 – Make a Lithophane Jig
Creating a jig for carving lithophanes.