The RAVEN is a precision machine tool. With proper care and maintenance it will provide long, reliable service.

WARNING: Always unplug the machine before attempting any maintenance on the machine.

WARNING: If the machine is vibrating excessively and or making loud noises STOP and determine what is causing the issue. Continuing to run will result in damage to the machine. Possible causes are loose cutting trucks, dull or damaged bits, or worn bearings.

  • Dust Removal: The RAVEN is designed to tolerate a considerable amount of carving system dust, but to ensure proper operation, it should be kept free of debris as much as possible. Each unit is equipped with a dust collection hood with a 4” port. It is recommended to connect the dust hood to at least a 600 CFM dust collection system. A shop vacuum is NOT RECOMMENDED, as they are generally not designed to run continuously. Note, even with the dust hood, there will be dust remaining in the machine. Periodically blow or vacuum out any remaining dust or debris from the recesses of the unit. Be sure that your vacuum systems are properly grounded because of the large static charge that they tend to generate.
  • Pitch Removal: Pitch is a sticky substance found in wood that can buildup on your cutting tools and linear rails. It is generally not a big problem, but it is easily removed using a mild solvent such as mineral spirits.
  • Check Bits: Make sure your bits are sharp for the best machine performance. If you notice the carving or cutting becoming very rough or burning the bit is most likely dull and should be replaced. Dull bits can cause excess wear on the machine and parts.
  • Lubrication and Oiling: Several areas of the RAVEN machine will require occasional cleaning and re-lubrication.
    • The axis rails on which the Y and Z Cutting Trucks run need to be kept free of cutting debris and rust. A thin coat of light oil will help to keep these from accumulating surface rust.
    • Idler Pulleys on both Y and Z can become bound up from accumulated dust and debris. The pulleys can be easily cleaned by spraying WD40 into their bushings and working them back and forth.
    • The vertical guide rods at the corners of the machine also need to be clean and rust free for smooth operation. We recommend using a PTFP based spray-on dry lube. If the head is getting hard to crank up and down, clean the rails with WD40 and reapply dry lube if needed. Never force the head up and down as this will break something.
  • Check the Cutting Trucks and Spindle for Looseness: As a matter of regular maintenance, check that the Spindle, Y Truck and Z Trucks are tight and do not have any play in them. Simply grab each one by hand and wiggle back and forth. If either of the trucks is loose, they will need to be tightened. Failure to tighten these trucks will result in decreased carving quality and damage to the machine. Find detailed instructions on tightening in the Z-Truck Installation Video.  If the Spindle itself is loose contact (Contact Support)
  • Replacement Items: Occasionally, due to wear or accident, some components of the machine will need replacement:
    • Axis Bearings: The bearings for the X and Y truck can wear out over time. Mostly due to dust getting into them and causing them to seize.
    • X-Drive Gears: If a board becomes wedged in between the squaring plate and the sliding plate, the X-drive gears can break. 
    • Servo Motors Packs: The motor packs will wear out over time. In particular, the bearings in the motor packs.  Overly aggressive feed rates and dull bits will accelerate the wear of motor packs.
    • Axis Belts: The toothed belts used for X and Y motion functions are made of kevlar reinforced rubber and can become damaged or worn over time.  Regularly check that there is tension on the Y belt and tighten if needed. See How
  • Accessories and Parts Source: All the available accessories, cutting bits, and user-replaceable parts can be obtained through the CarveWright website at

Recommended Maintenance Schedule

200-300 hrs
500 hrs
Cleaning Dust and Pitch X
Check Bits For Sharpness. Replace dull bits X
Clean Rails and Bearings – See How X
Check Y-belt Tension – See How X
Clean Idler Pulleys with WD40 – See How X
Replace Y & Z Roller Bearings – See How X X
Replace Y-Motor Assembly – See How X X
Replace Y Timing Belt – See How X
Replace Z-Motor Assembly – See How X
Replace Z-Truck – See How X