Category: DXF Layout

CarveWright DXF Layout – Large Tiled Fence Project
This video illustrates the process of importing, scaling, and splitting a vector design across multiple boards. This application was for used for carving an up-cycled cedar fence.
CarveWright DXF Layout Software Tutorial #2: Importing & Splitting Large Drawings
The CarveWright DXF Layout allows the import of vector line graphics in a DXF format. This video demonstrates how to use the importer to layout and tile large projects.
CarveWright DXF Layout Software Tutorial #3: Importing Complex Multi-Piece Drawings
The CarveWright DXF Layout allows the import of vector line graphics in a DXF format. This video demonstrates how to import and layout multi-piece projects.
CarveWright DXF Layout Software Tutorial #1: Importing a Line Drawing
The CarveWright DXF Layout allows the import of vector line graphics in a DXF format. This video demonstrates the basics of importing vector line art.