Designer Tutorials Designer Menu Items and Definitions Designer – Import Image Import image converts a image file in to a rastered pattern based on pixel intensity. Designer – Keyhole Tool The Keyhole tools allows keyhole slots to be configured and placed. Designer – Add/Remove Vertex This video shows how to add and remove vertexes from vector paths. Designer – Constraints This video shows how to set horizontal, vertical and tangent constraints. Designer – Change Form This video shows how to change path segments to lines, arcs , or splines. Designer – Break Figure This video shows how to break vector paths. 12345…8 Add-On Modules Designer – Keyhole Tool The Keyhole tools allows keyhole slots to be configured and placed. Designer – Vcarve Suite – Conform Vector Conform Vector makes vector geometry conform to any rastered surface. Designer – Drawing Suite – Smart Spline The Smart Spline tool allows you to quickly define a shape by placing points, or vertexes, along a path, while on-the-fly designating the segments between as either lines or curves. Designer – Drawing Suite – Trim Tool The trim tool allow you to trim paths between selected vector geometry. Designer – Drawing Suite – Offset Path Offset Path allows you to create a path offset at a specific distance from any vector geometry. Designer – Drawing Suite – Copy Array Copy Array allows you to create multiple copies of an item in both the horizontal and vertical directions. 12345…7
Designer – Import Image Import image converts a image file in to a rastered pattern based on pixel intensity.
Designer – Vcarve Suite – Conform Vector Conform Vector makes vector geometry conform to any rastered surface.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Smart Spline The Smart Spline tool allows you to quickly define a shape by placing points, or vertexes, along a path, while on-the-fly designating the segments between as either lines or curves.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Trim Tool The trim tool allow you to trim paths between selected vector geometry.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Offset Path Offset Path allows you to create a path offset at a specific distance from any vector geometry.
Designer – Drawing Suite – Copy Array Copy Array allows you to create multiple copies of an item in both the horizontal and vertical directions.