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Designer Tutorials

Designer – Feather

A feather is a sloped transition from the the top of the board to the edge of the 3D carved area. This is used to make those depth transitions more…


Add-On Modules

Designer – Modeling Suite – Extrude

The Extrude tool allows a profile to be extruded along the inside of a closed vector shape. The angle of the extrusion can be adjusted by setting horizontal, vertical, or…

Designer – Modeling Suite – Sweeps

The Sweep tools will allow a drawn profile to be swept along a single vector path. This means the profile will follow the line along it’s entire length. There are…

Designer – Modeling Suite – Tilt Tool

The Tilt Tool, available in the Modeling Suite, allows a pattern to be tilted vertically, horizontally, or a combination of both can be used to achieve different angles.