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Designer Tutorials

Designer – Textures

Textures are a selection of variable sized repeating patterns that can be used with any selected region.

Designer – Materials

The Materials tool is a dynamic texture generator. There are a selection of default materials to choose from, or any material can be cloned to customize your own materials.

Designer – Place Carving Tabs

The place tabs tool is used to define raster carving tabs from manually placed lines made with the drawing tools. These types of tabs are for 3D raster carvings only.

Designer – Rout Tools

The Rout Tools are a collection of tools for applying router bits as a variable depth path following a selection of profiles. There is also a quick edge rout tool…

Designer – Make Pattern

Make pattern allows you to combine multiple elements together to create a new pattern that is added to your pattern library.


Add-On Modules

Sculptor 2 – 2D Editing Tools Overview

Sculptor 2 includes a set of basic 2D editing tools. The 2D view adds another dimension to the powerful capabilities of Sculptor. There are a set or selection tools for…