This is a detailed demonstration of how to cut curcuit boards with a RAVEN CNC router. The video covers making the jig, importing and laying out the board project, and…
Raster carving is how to make highly detailed carvings. The default settings are sufficient for most operations, but if you’re setting up a new bit or are dialing in new…
The Bit Builder gives users the ability to add new or custom configure existing bits. This will allow for ultimate control over all the speed, feed, and spindle settings for…
The blades used are 2mm shaft blades. Most blades compatible with Cricut and similar vinyl cutters will work. These blades are inexpensive and readily available through a number of outlets…
The cut path tool is an automatic way to cut a shape out of your project board. It also automatically adds tabs to hold the cutout in place. This tutorial…
The Smart Spline tool allows you to quickly define a shape by placing points, or vertexes, along a path, while on-the-fly designating the segments between as either lines or curves.