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Designer Tutorials

Designer – SVG Importer

SVG files are among the world’s most popular vector graphics because they can be scaled to any size without losing clarity. Now, users can import any SVG files into CarveWright Designer 4 projects, opening up a huge newl library of design possibilities.

Designer – Project Library

Designer 4’s Project Library tab allows for managing all your CarveWright Projects in one convenient place. Search and download directly from the Pattern Depot project store, import previously downloaded projects, or organize your own project creations.

Depth and Height Tools

DEPTH The adjustment of depth and height are essential tools for fine tuning your designs in Project Designer. These tools allow the creation of more intricate layering of patterns to…


Add-On Modules

Designer – Drawing Suite – Smart Spline

The Smart Spline tool allows you to quickly define a shape by placing points, or vertexes, along a path, while on-the-fly designating the segments between as either lines or curves.