RAVEN AccuTrack Tape and Belt

The workpiece (board) will need to be prepared before inserting it into the RAVEN machine. There are two ways to prepare a board.  Apply the AccuTrack Tape and Belt The AccuTrack tape is a flexible and resilient double stick tape used for securing the Accutrack belt to the tracking edge of a workpiece. The tracking […]

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Designer 5 Project Setup

Glossary Creating a New Project When creating a project, Designer will automatically detect what machines are registered to your account. It will only allow a project to be created for those types of machines. For example, if there is only A, B, or C models CarveWright machines registered, it will NOT allow the user to […]

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Bit Builder Tool

The Bit Builder gives users the ability to add new or custom configure existing bits. This will allow for ultimate control over all the speed, feed, and spindle settings for every bit. Custom bits can be stored globally in your system or are stored on a project level. This means if someone designs a project […]

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